话说总有那么几道题是来虐我们的智商,聪明机智的你们遇见了也难以下手,因此为大家推出难题讲解系列,带领大家剖析难题,逐一分析选项,附上tips 小技巧,从此迎难而上,绝地逆袭哦~

♫ Question 1:

Martin is an experienced and fully trained shipbuilder, based in a western European city. Due tosignificant economic change in supply and demand conditions for shipbuilding in Martin's own country, the shipyard he worked for has closed and he was made redundant. There was no other local demand for his skills within his own region and he would have to move to another country to obtain a similar employment, and could only find similar work locally through undertaking at least a year's retraining in a related engineering field.

Which of the following describes the type of unemployment that Martin has been affected by?

A Structural unemployment

B Cyclical unemployment

C Frictional unemployment

D Marginal unemployment

♪ 解析:

这题的考点是失业的分类(详见Macroeconomics 宏观经济章节),其中黑色粗体部分文字是可能造成误解的地方,有同学看见demand就觉得是周期性失业,尤其后面说当地没有对这一技能的需求了,但是此需求非彼需求,我们说周期性失业是由于经济不景气,社会总需求不足,说的是 aggregate demand,而不是对某一种技能的需求,本题只提了一个行业,无法证明总需求不足哦~疫情期间,如何足不出户高效学习ACCA?戳:2020ACCA考试资料包,自提,戳:ACCA资料【新手指南】+内部讲义+解析音频

还有人说,后面说他能去其他的国家找到工作,说明是短期的失业,为什么不能理解为摩擦性失业的换工作,先不说这一年其实不短,本题中说的只能去其他国家找工作,用 have to更多是想表明国内已经对这个行业没有需求了,这正是结构性失业的特征,所以我们判断的关键词应该是黑色斜体的句子,由于经济结构改变,整个行业被拿掉



考试中,篇幅较长的题,说明蕴含的信息也多,所以切不可根据其中一句话、一个词就马上下结论,如果真的到只能用关键词判断的地步,关键词也要记准确,比如此题, 单凭一个demand 不能算周期性失业的关键词, 但 significant economic change 却可以算结构性失业的关键词,所以关键词的记忆也是有准确度要求滴。